Ingénieur du son et cabine vocale dans un studio d'enregistrement avec écran, enceintes et clavier maître. | © Plug The Jack
your creative hub in Brussels

Recording Studios in Brussels Accessible to Everyone to create and produce

Recording studios in Brussels for music production and vocals where every voice deserves to be heard !
You can book by the hour at affordable rates or stay for longer sessions.

  • 21 Studios Accessible to All
    Open 7 days a week (from 9 am to midnight), catering to both amateur producers and more experienced artists.
  • Fully Equipped and Professional
    Featuring a Focusrite Clarett 4pre audio interface, Yamaha HS7 speakers, microphones and headphones, vocal booth... all you need to do is plug in!
  • Easy Access in Brussels
    Located near Evere, Schaerbeek, and Woluwe, you can easily get here by bus, bike, or scooter, and even enjoy free parking (81 Tollaan at 1200 Brussels).
SE Electronics 2300 microphone for vocal recording in music studio. | © Plug The Jack

Rent Your Self-service Recording Studio in Brussels 

The recording studios of Plug The Jack, located in Brussels, play a crucial role in the rich and diverse music culture of the city.

This is primarily due to the scarcity of accessible recording studios for people who would like to use them without having to pay high fees.

Additionally, it provides a unique and stimulating environment for Hip-hop and R&B beatmakers to refine their craft, surrounded by a rich array of festivals, clubs, and music collectives.

Singer in recording studio's vocal booth with microphone and headphones. | © Plug The Jack

Passionate Music Community in Brussels

Within the walls of Plug The Jack, the passion for music seamlessly blends with the dynamic spirit of the music-producing community of Brussels. The recording studios transform into safe spaces dedicated to the creation of musical masterpieces.

Whether you are an aspiring producer, an artist recording tracks, or someone mastering their equipment, the studios of Plug The Jack welcome everyone.

Sound engineer in front of screen with speakers in recording studio, vocal booth in the background. | © Plug The Jack

Explosive Music Scene in Brussels

The music scene in Brussels is an explosion of creativity and serves as a home to renowned festivals, eclectic clubs, and numerous underground events shaping the musical identity of the city.

The opportunity to connect with fellow producers and get involved in the local music scene is a unique aspect that Plug The Jack offers. The dynamics, diversity, and abundance of collaboration opportunities with collectives in Brussels create an atmosphere where the passion for music production truly comes to life.

Major artists emerging from this cosmopolitan city have contributed to Brussels becoming a music paradise.


Urban singer in recording studio's vocal booth with microphone and Beyerdynamic headphones. | © Plug The Jack

Diverse Recording Studios for Everyone in Brussels

The studios offer all the possibilities and equipment for those striving for progress or refinement, making the music culture in Brussels accessible to everyone regardless of their level.

Additionally, we offer the studios at affordable prices and are open to beginners, emerging creatives, and veterans alike.


Sound engineer in front of screen with speakers in recording studio, vocal booth in the background. | © Plug The Jack